Target Style: Ring in Spring

As we patiently wait for Spring in the DC area (not happy to come back to this cold weather!!!) I thought it would be fun to share some spring colors that are on my radar, enter aqua and yellow. Whenever I wear bright colors I like to mute down the rest of the outfit so the main focus can be that specific feature piece. Rather than losing yourself in a sea of brights this spring, focus on making that one special piece stand out and pop. Here are two of my favorite aqua and yellow pieces that Target is currently carrying right now.

Ring in Spring w/ Target: Aqua + Yellow


Prabal Gurung for Target dress / Converse / Shorts / High heels / High heels / Black handbag / White handbag / Band hat / Baseball caps hat

Brought to you by…

It’s Time for Springtime.

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Target via Glam Media. As always, the opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Target.


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    • Sara
      March 19, 2013 / 10:26 pm

      Me too Staci! Aqua and turquoise are interchangeable, and as you can see I am a huge fan too!

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